
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013 and Welcome 2014

I'd like to wish all my wonderful readers a very Happy New Year

After an extremely eventful holiday season, I've finally found myself in a place where I don't have a whole lot of things to do or a hundred thoughts racing through my mind. I'm done with spring cleaning, entertaining guests, holiday baking, christmas shopping and the numerous outings with friends and family that were scheduled over the past two months. But having said that, this quiet time won't last very long because I'll be flying off to India in about two and a half weeks for my annual home visit. Whoopee! 

Since I've had time to allocate some much-needed TLC to my blog, I was wondering what my first post of the New Year would be. I didn't want it to be something routine like a recipe or a review. After mulling over it the past few days, I thought I would do a photo montage of sorts highlighting the significant and/or memorable events in the year gone by. I thought that would be a fitting farewell to 2013 😊

Aside from the public holiday on New year's Day, it so happened that New Year's eve had also been declared a holiday at my University (something that I was unaware of until the last moment). Gotta love unexpected holidays right? So here I am - home alone, sprawled over the sofa, blogging away to my heart's content 😁 

This is a photo-heavy post, many of which have already been featured on my blog since the start of the year so pardon me for the repetition. This feature is a tribute to 2013 with a compilation of a select few nostalgia-evoking pics.

Without further ado, let's begin the photo journey. 

The last New Year's day is etched in my mind like it happened just yesterday. This was at the annual party that happens at my in-laws home in Bangalore.

P.S. - This Pineapple Upside Down Cake is a creation of yours truly 😊 It was unexpectedly good.

The last ever time I saw my beloved Polo before he passed away in Feb 2013. He was twelve years old.

The first tri-layered cake that I baked on Valentines Day for hubby dearest 💖 I have featured it here because it totally surpassed all my expectations and made us both very happy. 

Our first and super fun barbecue venture that paved the way for many subsequent BBQ parties and get-togethers. The fact that this photo is blurry is a pretty good indication of a good time 😄

My first visit to the S.E.A Aquarium in Singapore when my parents in-law from India, brother-in-law and his wife from the US had come to visit us. A mesmerising aquatic wonderland indeed.

My first visit to the lovely Gardens by the Bay. Since then, I've been there three more times this year itself. Each visit makes me question my inability to keep my two sad-looking house plants alive *sigh*

Why is this pic included you ask? Call me batty but the reason I picked this photo from a trip to the zoo this year with my in-laws is coz I can swear this lion is smiling at me. Tell me I'm wrong!

My first time at the River Safari located adjacent to the Singapore Zoo. Take a look at the adorable Red Panda and the Giant Panda. Cuteness personified no?

Then came our much-awaited trip to Bali with our in-laws. Me and hubby had already been there before but since we loved it so much, we decided to go again. 

You can see why 😊


The first ever cooking class that I attended with my sister-in-law in Bali. We were taught Nasi Goreng (Indonesian Fried Rice). 

Proof that I was paying attention in the class. My take on Nasi Goreng

Sometimes a perfect day just sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Hubby had a marathon at Gardens by the Bay on an early Saturday morning and he forced me to tag along. While he was running, I spent a wonderful morning, exploring and photographing the vividly colorful landscape. It was one of those remarkable days.

I was excited beyond words when MTR opened in Singapore. I've been there umpteen times after that and have sampled whatever they have to offer on the menu 😊

The same holds good once I discovered what decadent treats lay within the realm of Laurent Bernard Chocolatier

My husband's first guest post on my blog. The delicious and classic Margherita Pizza 

A holiday to Taipei, Taiwan. A holiday filled with fun, frolic and lots of food (obviously).

A memorable Deepavali at home in Singapore with family who came from Malaysia to spend the festival with us. That's my adorable niece you see posing shyly with the firecrackers 😊

When cousins from the US flew to Singapore to visit us, we took them to Raffles hotel. This beautiful colonial style building houses Long Bar, the birthplace of the Singapore Sling. Sipping the iconic drink whilst flinging peanut shells on the floor (yes you can litter) was a truly memorable and uniquely Singapore experience.

My parents were here in December which is a lovely time of the year in Singapore. We spent one evening at Orchard admiring the shimmering lights and enjoying the unaccustomed cool, breezy weather.

Had a scrumptious Christmas lunch with my boss and colleagues at CafeBiz at Traders Hotel. An unforgettable afternoon not only because of the company but also the food. My review will be up soon so watch this space...

Started a new Christmas tradition of baking a homemade Christmas Fruit Cake

I am a theme-park addict and Universal studios is one place I can go again and again. My sister and her husband were in Singapore last week and we made our way to Universal for an adrenaline rush and some movie-themed mania. Sitting next to her on the roller coaster and the two of us screaming our lungs out was one of the most fun moments of this year.

New Year Fireworks just captured at East Gardens by the Bay a few minutes ago. A bright, cheery way to ring in the new year.

So, I bid adieu to 2013 - a colourful and eventful year. A year of fun experiences, exciting journeys, new acquaintances, kitchen adventures, blogging milestones, professional success and family bonding. Not without its fair share of challenges and difficulties of course but I have taken it in my stride considering it as a learning experience and an opportunity for personal growth. I'm grateful for it all. 

Here is looking forward to an eventful, prosperous and joyous 2014 😊



  1. Such a great way to end 2013! You have had an eventful year and I hope you have many more memorable moments in 2014. Happy new year :)

  2. Happy New year Megha! All the best for the new year and here is to more of your wonderful blogging:-)


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