Well folks, are you gearing up to usher in the New Year 2018? You may already be holidaying at popular destinations or getting ready to meet near and dear ones, pop the champagne, enjoy a hearty feast or make party-fueled New Year Resolutions (only to break them the very next day 😝). Most of us have a set routine for welcoming the new year. I certainly do and right now I am at my in-laws house in Bangalore, getting ready for a family get-together this evening. I just got done baking a chocolate cake which looks like it could end up being a disaster. Oh well! 😛
The New Year stands before us like a blank book. It brings with it the hope for a better tomorrow and also a chance to do better than today. It is a golden opportunity to reinvent our lives and ourselves. I have mulled over the year gone by and I do have certain goals and aspirations for the new year which I plan to fulfill with utmost sincerity. I would like to start this year on the right foot by exercising more, drinking more water, consuming more portions fruit, making smarter food choices, reading more books and (hopefully) travelling more. I also hope to come up with more fun mother-daughter activities to do with my girls. Only time will tell how I will fare on achieving them but I will be optimistic for now 😊 If you have set goals for yourself, I wish you luck.
As this year comes to a close, it is a good time to reflect on all the positives and negatives. Maybe you were one of the lucky ones that had a great year but if you had a bad one, then look at it as an opportunity to wipe the proverbial slate clean and start afresh. My prayers for everyone in 2018 is to be able to focus on health and wellness, enjoy quality family time, fulfill career goals, acquire financial stability and achieve personal happiness. And if you can get some adventure and exciting opportunities thrown into the mix, there would be nothing like it.
As we bid adieu to 2017, whatever you feel for your colleagues, friends, family or other near and dear ones – love, admiration, gratitude or respect, let them know so you could put a smile on their face and feel good about it while you are at it.
So, coming back to the crux of this post, here are my top 10 memories of 2017,