
Sunday, May 1, 2011

My bucket list: 101 things I want to do before I die...

"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans"
                                                      -John Lennon

This week I decided to prepare a bucket list of 101 things I want to do...before I kick the bucket! As morbid as that sounds, I thought I'd better make this list when I'm still in my 20's so I'd still have plenty of time to go about completing it. It's actually kinda fun. I don't think anything on my list is too "out there" and even if it does seem that way, I'm hoping that it would motivate me even more to complete it 😊   

I do see this list evolving as I grow older. Considering I stick to blogging long-term, the stuff that currently appeals to me in my 20's might seem lame in my 30's and downright stupid a few more years down the line.       

My Bucket List

So, this is how my list goes (in no particular order of preference):
  1. Learn a new language
  2. Get to the top of the Swiss alps
  3. Crush all my fitness goals
  4. Publish at least ten research papers in International journals
  5. Go white water rafting
  6. Attempt skiing
  7. See Mount Everest from a close distance
  8. Make a difference in someone's life
  9. Donate blood
  10. See a Broadway Musical in NYC
  11. Visit Holland during the tulip season
  12. Attend a food photography/food styling workshop
  13. Go on a road-trip through British Columbia
  14. Fly a hot air balloon 
  15. Learn the art of wine appreciation
  16. View the cherry blossoms/sakura in Japan
  17. Pursue another Master's degree or a higher degree
  18. Sponsor an all-expense paid trip for a loved one
  19. Learn salsa and ballroom dancing
  20. Become a mother
  21. Win a lucky draw
  22. Make perfect macarons
  23. Go on vacation to Maldives
  24. Gain a better understanding of the Bhagavad Gita
  25. Author a book
  26. Teach at an educational institution
  27. Volunteer in a humanitarian cause
  28. Knit a cardigan
  29. Fly a kite
  30. Visit a volcano
  31. Go on an African safari
  32. Surprise someone with a puppy
  33. Learn sign language
  34. Attend a costume party
  35. Take a trip to New Zealand
  36. Throw a surprise party 
  37. Learn to play a musical instrument
  38. Offer prayers at the Tirupati temple
  39. Stay at a palace in Rajasthan
  40. Climb a mountain
  41. Learn techniques in self-defense
  42. Take professional photography lessons
  43. Learn how to paint
  44. Ride a gondola in Venice
  45. Attend an opera
  46. Try ice-skating
  47. Run a marathon
  48. Volunteer at an orphanage
  49. Design and stitch an item of clothing for myself
  50. Ride a stretch limo
  51. Adopt a rescue animal
  52. Learn an Indian classical dance form
  53. Backpack through Europe
  54. Watch a World Cup cricket match in the stadium
  55. Pose with a camel in a sandy desert
  56. Read at least 1000 books in my lifetime 
  57. See the great wall of China
  58. Visit Disney World
  59. Design and decorate my own home
  60. Ride in a helicopter
  61. Become an expert at making fresh pasta
  62. Learn how to play chess
  63. Take a trip to Egypt
  64. Swim with dolphins
  65. Travel in a caravan
  66. Take a month-long vacation (outside of country of origin)
  67. Explore Kashmir
  68. Monetize my blog
  69. Conquer my fear of watching horror movies
  70. Practice yoga and meditation
  71. Go camping 
  72. Fly first-class
  73. Watch every movie that has won an Academy Award for Best Picture
  74. Make a book out of all the treasured recipes on my blog
  75. Go to a discotheque and party all night
  76. Attend a cake decorating workshop
  77. Build a life-size snowman
  78. Vacation in Hawaii
  79. Do something completely crazy and out of character
  80. Attend a rock concert
  81. Try deep-sea diving
  82. Go stargazing 
  83. Celebrate a life milestone in Santorini, Greece
  84. Take pottery lessons
  85. Grown my own organic herbs and greens 
  86. Make a scrapbook of all the special memories in my life
  87. Read the complete works of Shakespeare
  88. Be a good role model 
  89. Cut the ribbon at a major opening
  90. Do something major for the betterment of the environment
  91. Visit every continent
  92. Try an extreme sport
  93. Experience the Northern Lights
  94. Go on a girls-only getaway
  95. Dine at a Michelin-starred restaurant
  96. Invest in real estate and the stock market
  97. Watch a grand slam match live at the venue
  98. Own a farm and live in a farmhouse during my retirement
  99. Bury the hatchet with people I don't get along with
  100. Find inner peace
  101. Complete my bucket list!

I am going to update my bucket list every decade or so in the hope that I can accomplish at least 50% of what's on it, if not all. I would consider myself to have lived a very rich and fulfilling life 😊 

Wish me luck you guys!



  1. awesome megs..:) its a great idea to write it all..:)

  2. @Rosh - Thanks!
    @ax - I was thinking on the lines of Anil Kapoor when I put in the celebrity one!! Now don't tell me he isn't a celebrity! :D

  3. i liked number 93 the best :) btw, u've already visited a volcano, though dormant for years. mauritius remember? it has almost everything, dunno how u can update it.... visit antarctica n get a pic with penguins or run for president lol!


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