
Saturday, May 7, 2011

To my mom....on Mother's day

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie" 
                                                    ~ Tenneva Jordan

I love this quote because it is so typical of my mom. Only a mother can exhibit such selflessness. I think it comes as a default trait with the whole "mom" package. I think celebrating mother's day on one day of the year does absolutely no justice to what they do for us on a day to day basis. I can honestly say that my relationship with my mother is one of the most significant relationships I have in my life. On this mother's day I thought I'd write about all the things I love and appreciate about my mom.

Amma, this is why I am grateful that you are my mother...

When you tell me that you are proud of me, I can see in your eyes that you really mean it

For always putting the needs of your family ahead of your own. You don't need to do it (and probably shouldn't) but you do it anyway 

Your beautiful and loving smile that can brighten up the day

That you understand even the things I don't say

For making "home" a happy place to be in....then and now. 

For the joy I can sense in your voice when I call you over the phone

When I call you at an odd time, you pretend to be awake to talk to me even if you have been in a deep sleep

That you go out of your way to get to know and be nice to my friends
For always being such a great sport. I know it won't take much persuasion to get you to sit with me on a terrifying roller coaster ride or dress up as a goblin on Halloween!
The way you fuss over me when I'm sick

The warm and affectionate hugs and kisses that has not ceased to this day

The thrilled look on your face when I surprise you

That you get as excited as a little girl when you hear something that makes you happy 

That you read stories to me as a child and bought me plenty of books that eventually got me so interested in reading and writing. If I am writing a blog today, it is mainly because of you

For driving the three of us to and from school every single day and showing a genuine interest about our day on the way home

For packing delicious home-cooked food in my lunch-box for so many years 

For keeping a scrapbook of my childhood complete with pictures, cards and milestone records 

That you never once raised a hand on me or punished me in a fit of anger, even when I deserved it. 

For setting a high expectation for me in academics yet never resorting to the draconian Indian parent stereotype. 

For being part of the reason why I have only blissfully happy memories of my childhood 

That no matter how busy or exhausted you are, you will still oblige any request or favour that your kids asks of you  

For wearing your heart on your sleeve

That you still call me by endearing nicknames even though I'm a grown woman now.
The girly gossip and your innermost thoughts and feelings that you share with me 

That you indulge me in the things I like like shopping, going to restaurants, the salon and movies 

The way you laugh uproariously at a joke that no one else finds funny

The fierce loyalty that you have towards your family

That you indulge me with all my favourite dishes and worry at the same time about my weight gain!

That you have always fervently prayed for my success

That I can always count on you to stand by me when I feel alone

The fact that you have always respected my decisions and trusted my judgement 

That my happiness probably means more to you than it does to me

For not taking it to heart on the (few) occasions where I have been rude to you. 

For leading by example with the loving relationship you share with your mother and mother-in-law

Your unbridled enthusiasm for absolutely everything!

And last but not least, for the amazing unconditional love that I can never put into words

With that, I would like to wish all the moms and mother figures out there a very happy mother's day. 

As the saying goes, remember that it isn't easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it (sorry Dad! You are completely awesome in your own way though) 😜



  1. Mom-I am in tears megha,i am so overwhelmed by your love and affection,Thanks for making this mothers day so special for me,Me and Dad are so proud of you and your wonderful talent,god has been so kind to bless us with such wonderful kids,May god bless you and adarsh with all the happiness in this world,Thanks once again my lovely daughter

  2. you really spoke my heart out too akka,so proud of u,everything was put in such a lovely n subtle way,rock onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  3. same sentiments here too mom!!!! love ya loads!!!! muaah!! :-*

  4. :) Good post Megha...
    I can copy-paste most of this for my mom too!


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