Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome 2013

I know my wishes are coming in a little late but I'd like to wish all my friends, family and blog readers a very Happy New Year.

I haven't been keeping tabs on my blog lately because I've been too busy having fun in India. This year, I celebrated new year's at my in-laws place in Bangalore. We had a small gathering of family members at home and it made for an intimate and eventful celebration. My MIL, SIL and me compiled the menu for the evening which featured an assortment of each of our signature dishes. 

As you can see from the picture, one of my dishes was a Pineapple and Cherry Upside-down Cake. This is an adaptation from Peach Caramel Upside-down Cake that I had posted some time ago. The base is a French yoghurt cake which is ridiculously simple and requires only a few ingredients. All I did was substitute the canned peaches with canned pineapple slices and cherries. I had a few issues with the brown sugar during the caramelizing process because it was markedly different in color, texture and sweetness from the kind that I use in Singapore but the overall outcome of the cake was still good. It was a learning experience in resourcefulness for me because for the first time, I was outside of the comfort of my own kitchen where I have all my baking related equipments and tools. Using a rice measuring cup for the main dry ingredients, a plastic measuring cap of a cough syrup bottle for the smaller tsp measurements, a hand-held whisk to mix the ingredients, a baking dish that was one size too large and an oven completely different from my own was something I had never done before. But I handled it better than expected and even managed to have a whole lot of fun. I think a lot of it can be attributed to my kitchen collaborators - my MIL and my SIL 😊

I chose this image for my new years post because like this cake, I hope that your year is filled with sweetness, vibrancy, color and a variety of experiences that enrich your life. 

Happy 2013 🎉


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